March 19, 2025
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
2700 Post Rd Wells, ME 04090
8 Week Discipleship Course for Everyone
Week 1: Following Jesus - Finding a daily time and place to meet with God.
Week 2: Formation Part 01 - Life Audit: an inventory of the forces that are forming you now and in the past.
Week 3: Formation Part 2 - removing negative habits and replacing them with healthy new spiritual disciplines.
Week 4: The Practices - Explore the spiritual practice of Sabbath.
Week 5: Meeting God in Pain and Suffering - Notice and name your emotions in the presence of God through prayer.
Week 6: Healing from Sin - A practice of confession.
Week 7: Crafting a Rule of Life - Crafting a personal Rule of Life.
Week 8: Life Together - Identifying and gathering in intentional community.
Cost: $5